
I've installed http://drupal.org/project/spamspan module for Drupal (drupal.org/project/spamspan), in order to obfuscate the e-mail addresses on my website.

However I'm not sure it is working. I can see the email url from source html and I think the module is not filtering anything.

I've added some e-mails in the text editor CKEditor. Is it automatically detecting these emails written in text editor ?

I've followed the instructions here: http://drupalcode.org/viewvc/drupal/contributions/modules/spamspan/README.txt?view=co


Please add the version (Drupal 6?) you are using as a tag.Greg

1 Answers


Since you followed the directions, I assume you enabled the SpamSpan filter for your input formats.

Make sure you set SpamSpan to run after the URL filter. I generally reorder my input formats so that SpamSpan is near the bottom (one of the last filters to run). SpamSpan searches for email links [email protected] and replaces them with user [at] example [dot] com, and uses javascript to turn it back into a normal-looking link in the browser.

Edit 1: I had some trouble getting SpamSpan to work properly at first, and part of the problem was that I needed to clear the cache.

Edit 2: One of my input formats is ordered as such:

  1. Line break converter
  2. HTML filter
  3. URL filter
  4. Hide email addresses using the SpamSpan technique
  5. HTML corrector

Edit 3: Here is an example of how SpamSpan should be working:

  1. Original body text:
    [email protected]
  2. After Url Filter:
    <a href="[email protected]">[email protected]<a/>
  3. After SpamSpan filter (as seen in page source):
    <span class="spamspan"><span class="eu">user</span> [at] <span class="ed">example [dot] com</span></span>
  4. After SpamSpam javascript runs on the page (as seen via Firefox's View Selection Source):
    <a class="spamspan" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>