
I have a Delphi 2007 VCL TPanel with a TPopupMenu assigned to it. There are some TEdit controls on the panel. The edits inherit the popup menu of the parent panel. I want to not allow this popup inheriting, so the edits will show the default Windows TEdit popup menu with Copy, Cut, Paste, etc., but have not found a way to do it yet. There doesn't appear to be a "ParentPopupMenu" type property to set which controls inherit it from the parent component.


2 Answers


Try setting the PopupMenu's AutoPopup property to False, and then manually Popup() the menu when needed, since as in the TPanel's OnContextMenu event.


This is QC#54286: Parent-PopupMenu overrides standard context menu. Andreas Hausladen's VCL Fix Pack fixes the issue so it works the way you're expecting it to.