
I want a popup menu above a button:

enter image description here

Delphi wraps the Win32 menu system in a way that seems to preclude every mode or flag that the underlying Win32 API provides that was not in the VCL author's brain on that day. One such example appears to be the TPM_BOTTOMALIGN which can be passed into TrackPopupMenu but, the Delphi wrapper appears to render this not only impossible in the stock VCL, but by injudicious use of private and protected methods, is impossible (at least seems to me to be impossible) to do either accurately at runtime, or by overrides. The VCL component TPopupMenu is not very well designed either, as it should have had a virtual method called PrepareForTrackPopupMenu that did everything other than the call to TrackPopupMenu or TrackPopupMenuEx, and then allow someone to override a method that actually invokes that Win32 method. But that's too late now. Maybe Delphi XE5 will have this basic coverage of the Win32 API done right.

Approaches I have tried:

Approach A: Use METRICS or Fonts:

Accurately determine height of a popup menu so I can subtract the Y value before calling popupmenu.Popup(x,y). Results: Would have to handle all variants of Windows theming, and make assumptions that I seem unable to be sure about. Seems unlikely to result in good results in the real world. Here's an example of a basic font metrics approach:

   height := aPopupMenu.items.count * (abs(font.height) + 6) + 34;

You can take into account hidden items, and for a single version of windows with a single theme mode setting in effect, you might get close like that, but not exactly right.

Approach B: Let Windows Do It:

Try to pass in TPM_BOTTOMALIGN to eventually reach Win32 API call TrackPopupMenu.

So far, i think I can do it, if I modify the VCL menus.pas.. I am using Delphi 2007 in this project. I am not all that happy about that idea though.

Here is the kind of code I am trying:

procedure TMyForm.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
   // alas, how to do this accurately, what with themes, and the OnMeasureItem event
   // changing things at runtime.
      popupMenuHeightEstimate := PopupMenuHeight(BookingsPopupMenu); 

      pt.X := 0;
      pt.Y := -1*popupMenuHeightEstimate;
      pt := aButton.ClientToScreen(pt);  // do the math for me.
      aPopupMenu.popup( pt.X, pt.Y );


Alternatively I wanted to do this:

  pt.X := 0;
  pt.Y := 0;
  pt := aButton.ClientToScreen(pt);  // do the math for me.
  aPopupMenu.popupEx( pt.X, pt.Y, TPM_BOTTOMALIGN);

Of course, popupEx is not there in the VCL. Nor any way to pass in more flags to TrackPopupMenu than those that the VCL guys added probably in 1995, in version 1.0.

Note: I believe the problem of estimating the height before showing the menu is impossible, thus we should be actually having the problem solved by TrackPopupMenu not by estimating the height.

Update: Calling TrackPopupMenu directly does not work, because the rest of the steps in the VCL method TPopupMenu.Popup(x,y) are necessary to invoke for my application to paint its menu and have it look correct, however it is impossible to invoke them without evil trickery because they are private methods. Modifying the VCL is a hellish proposition and I don't wish to entertain that either.

Why not just call TrackPopupMenu directly with aPopupMenu.Handle and pass it whatever flags, etc. you want to provide? @Sertac posted an example hereKen White
That does not appear to do everything that happens when I call TPopupMenu.Popup, though, and there's no VCL prepare-for-call-of-trackpopupmenu but don't call track popup menu.Warren P
i think you can try to get some open-source button with menu or toolbar with buttons component and learn their sources. Like JvArrowButton of JVCL or ToolBar2000 or some other button or toolbar from torry.net - just find the proper component and learn from itArioch 'The
Sorry, but I can't see the image from here (proxy issue), which is why I'm not posting an answer. However, you say you want to accurately position a TPopupMenu above a button, and TrackPopupMenu with the x and y coordinates and the proper flag and menu handle does exactly that for you. What functionality are you missing from your requirements?Ken White
@WarrenP: are you aware that with class helpers you do not only get access to protected members but to private members as well provided you prefix them with Self? It makes working around VCL design decisions a heck of a lot easier.Marjan Venema

2 Answers


A little bit hacky, but it might solve it.

Declare an interceptor class for TPopupMenu overriding Popup:

  TPopupMenu = class(Vcl.Menus.TPopupMenu)
    procedure Popup(X, Y: Integer); override;

procedure TPopupMenu.Popup(X, Y: Integer);
  Flags: array[Boolean, TPopupAlignment] of Word =
  Buttons: array[TTrackButton] of Word = (TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, TPM_LEFTBUTTON);
  AFlags: Integer;
  PostMessage(PopupList.Window, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0);
  AFlags := Flags[UseRightToLeftAlignment, Alignment] or
    Buttons[TrackButton] or
    (Byte(MenuAnimation) shl 10);
  TrackPopupMenu(Items.Handle, AFlags, X, Y, 0 { reserved }, PopupList.Window, nil);

The trick is to post a cancel message to the menu window which cancels the inherited TrackPopupMenu call.


I cannot duplicate your issue with TrackPopupMenu. With a simple test here with D2007, items' captions, images, submenus seem to look and work correctly.

Anyway, the below example installs a CBT hook just before the menu is popped. The hook retrieves the window associated with the menu to be able to subclass it.

If you don't care a possible flashing of the popup menu under stressed conditions, instead of a hook, you can use the PopupList class to handle WM_ENTERIDLE to get to the menu's window.

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
    procedure PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject);



{$R *.dfm}

  SaveWndProc: Pointer;
  ControlWnd: HWND;
  PopupToMove: HMENU;

function MenuWndProc(Window: HWND; Message, WParam: Longint;
    LParam: Longint): Longint; stdcall;
  MN_GETHMENU   = $01E1;  // not defined in D2007
  R: TRect;
  Result := CallWindowProc(SaveWndProc, Window, Message, WParam, LParam);

  if (Message = WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING) and
      // sanity check - does the window hold our popup?
      (HMENU(SendMessage(Window, MN_GETHMENU, 0, 0)) = PopupToMove) then begin

    if PWindowPos(LParam).cy > 0 then begin 
      GetWindowRect(ControlWnd, R);
      PWindowPos(LParam).x := R.Left;
      PWindowPos(LParam).y := R.Top - PWindowPos(LParam).cy;
      PWindowPos(LParam).flags := PWindowPos(LParam).flags and not SWP_NOMOVE;
    end else
      PWindowPos(LParam).flags := PWindowPos(LParam).flags or SWP_NOMOVE;

function CBTProc(nCode: Integer; WParam: WPARAM; LParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
  MENUWNDCLASS = '#32768';
  ClassName: array[0..6] of Char;
  Result:= CallNextHookEx(CBTHook, nCode, WParam, LParam);

  // first window to be created that of a menu class should be our window since
  // we already *popped* our menu
  if (nCode = HCBT_CREATEWND) and
      Bool(GetClassName(WParam, @ClassName, SizeOf(ClassName))) and
      (ClassName = MENUWNDCLASS) then begin
    SaveWndProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(WParam, GWL_WNDPROC));
    SetWindowLong(WParam, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint(@MenuWndProc));
    // don't need the hook anymore...

procedure TForm1.PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject);
  ControlWnd := Button1.Handle;         // we'll aling the popup to this control
  PopupToMove := TPopupMenu(Sender).Handle;  // for sanity check above
  CBTHook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, CBTProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId); // hook..