
I use jekyll to write post and show it in GitHub-pages. My source file is written with markdown.

How can I insert formula into the markdown file?

I don't want to save the formula into an image and load the image in markdown file. I actually want to write latex formula in markdown file directly.

Never tried but it seems doable gastonsanchez.com/blog/opinion/2014/02/16/…DomDom
This simple solution worked out for me: zjuwhw.github.io/2017/06/04/MathJax.htmlManuHaq
I'm using .rst files (not markdown) with sphinx. That's pretty darn straightforward. If those are an option I'd recommend it. This project is an example. There are also sphinx extensions that can read markdown too, but I've not tried.joel

5 Answers


Since resources online have changed regarding this question, here's an update on supporting LateX with GitHub Pages.

Note that the closest to Latex rendering without exporting as images and natively supporting it on your Jekyll site would be to use MathJax.

MathJax is actually recommended in Jekyllrb docs for math support, with Kramdown, it also converts it from LaTeX to PNG, more details on it here at the Kramdown documentation

Option 1: Write your equation in MathURL and embed it.

You could write the equation with MathURL, then generate a url that permanently points to the equation, and display this in an <iframe> tag. However, this will stop working if MathURL goes offline.

Option 2: Implement jsMath

jsMath will allow almost LateX like syntax and will be supported in your blog if you have set it up correctly, there is extensive documentation on this.

Option 3: Mathjax (by far the easiest in my opinion)

Many sites have mentioned that Mathjax is considered a successor of jsMath, and is much easier to implement with Jekyll. MathJax is also used by mathematics.stackexchange.com too!

  • Step 1: Have your site load the script in sites where you want to display math. (usually done in the header)

  • Optional: Check your markdown parser in _config.yml. redcarpet or kramdown is suggested in this example. Certain parsers like discount will interfere with the syntax but I have a solution below.

  • Step 2: Write your equations.

Quoting this tutorial by Gaston Sanchez:

MathJax does not have the exactly same behavior as LaTeX. By default, the tex2jax preprocessor defines the LaTeX math delimiters, which are \(...\) for in-line math, and \[...\] for displayed equations. It also defines the TeX delimiters $$...$$ for displayed equations, but it does not define $...$ as in-line math delimiters.

Read the documentation on the syntax for more details.

  • Note: Using the raw liquid tag to ensure Markdown parsers do not interfere with MathJax syntax.
  • While you could escape backslashes (e.g. \\[ \frac{1}{n^{2}} \\])to ensure they are parsed properly, as described by Chistopher Poole's tutorial, this is not always intuitive and looks complicated. A simpler solution would be to use the raw liquid tag to ensure the text is ignored by the Markdown processor and directly output as a static html. This is done with {% raw %}and also {% endraw %}

Here is a code sample:

 {% raw %}
  $$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$ --> note that all equations between these tags will not need escaping! 
 {% endraw %}

Lastly also ensure that the fonts support displaying LateX as some have issues like font size being too small. Alternatively here are some additional methods like Google Charts and MathML discussed in the latex StackExchange sister site.


If you used Jekyll in your GitHub pages, you can add

  <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
      tex2jax: {
        skipTags: ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre'],
        inlineMath: [['$','$']]
  <script src="https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" type="text/javascript"></script> 

in the file _includes/head.html, and then your GitHub Pages site will support MathJax


The easiest way to do this right now is to use the KaTeX auto-render extension.

Simply drop the following into your <head>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-yFRtMMDnQtDRO8rLpMIKrtPCD5jdktao2TV19YiZYWMDkUR5GQZR/NOVTdquEx1j" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js" integrity="sha384-9Nhn55MVVN0/4OFx7EE5kpFBPsEMZxKTCnA+4fqDmg12eCTqGi6+BB2LjY8brQxJ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js" integrity="sha384-kWPLUVMOks5AQFrykwIup5lo0m3iMkkHrD0uJ4H5cjeGihAutqP0yW0J6dpFiVkI" crossorigin="anonymous" onload="renderMathInElement(document.body);"></script>

Note that this assumes the following delimiters appear in your HTML:

$$\LaTeX code$$   (for display)
\\[\LaTeX code\\] (also for display)
\\(\LaTeX code\\) (for inline)

Note, if using Jekyll, you will need to have the following in your _config.yml:

markdown: kramdown
    math_engine: katex

WARNING: Do not use math_engine: mathjax. It will break this by automatically removing the LaTeX delimiters.


I would like this to be a comment on daviewales answer but I do not have enough reputation unfortunately. My understanding of that answer is to copy the 3 lines of code into the file <your_repo>.github.io\_site\<postname>\index.html. However, that file seems to get updated each time the corresponding <postname>.md is edited. Is there a more elegant way to always get those lines of code automatically added to the html file, without having to manually edit it every time I want to check an equation?

EDIT: I think this is one solution to the above problem:

What ended up working for me was based off of PeaShooter's response. I made a folder _includes within my _posts folder, and then populated it with a file head.html containing the code from PeaShooter's answer. Then, in the top line of the post below the YAML front matter (i.e. below the second --- line) I put the code {% include_relative _includes/head.html %}

Note that it was important to make the _includes folder not in base folder <your_repo>.github.io, but within the _posts folder. While placing _includes in the base folder did automatically generate the equation, it ruined the formatting for the rest of the website.


The best way right now IMO is to use the MathJax backend (which is part of kramdown, i.e. available on GitHub Pages) and then use KaTeX on the frontend for rendering. KaTeX is more lightweight and faster than MathJax, which makes it a better fit for a blog theme.

I'm using this technique with great success for my Jekyll theme Hydejack. Feel free to use it on your own site, by doing the following:

In config.yml, set the math engine to mathjax:

  math_engine: mathjax

Add KaTeX to your site and also make sure the following code runs sometime after it has loaded.

const mathBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('script[type^="math/tex"]');
Array.from(mathBlocks).forEach((el) => {
  const tex = el.textContent.replace("% <![CDATA[", "").replace("%]]>", "");
  el.outerHTML = window.katex.renderToString(tex, {
    displayMode: el.type === "math/tex; mode=display",

The actual code I'm using is slightly more complicated. You can check it out on GitHub.