
I am building a Desktop App for Windows and Mac. I am working on a Mac, with Delphi Rad Studio XE6 installed on my Parallel Windows 7. When Im running in Win32 everything runs ok, when I try to run in OSX, my PAServer 14.0 says

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/administrator/PAServer/scratch-dir/PC-Dionis/Project1.app/Contents/MacOS/Project1
  Reason: image not found

I read as much as possible in SO, I tried to manually copy the libcgunwind.1.0.dylib file into my scratch-dir, but as soon as I run the project, PAServer show the above message and the libcgunwind.1.0.dylib is deleted from the scratch-dir. I tried also launching it from the terminal, but it was the same. I read I can launch the paserver.command file,but I can't find it anywhere. Please some help!!


Did you follow the steps for deployment as described in the documentation, particularly the part about deploying an app on the Mac OS X platform?Ken White
Did you install PAServer both in Windows and on the Mac and register everything in the IDE? The built-in help describes extensively how to do that.Rudy Velthuis
Thanks @KenWhite! I followed them carefully and finally managed to run it on MAC OS X. I added as files there the dylib library and the .exe files I call using terminal. But I have another problem now. When I run it from delphi the terminal commands does not work properly. In the begging it said permission denied. I fixed that by using chmod 777. Than when I try to create a .txt file it says "Segmentation fault: 11"! And the command that tries to convert a image does not work at all. Anyway both of them work perfectly when i write them in terminal, without using delphi.Dionis
this are the lines I wrote to call this two terminal commands:_system(PAnsiChar(AnsiString('./dcmj2pnm '+ pathdcm + ' ' + pathbmp + ' +oj') )); _system(PAnsiChar(AnsiString('./dcmdump '+ pathdcm +' > '+pathtxt) )) ;Dionis
thanks @KenWhite, I am a new member hereDionis

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