I have a Windows 8.1 on a VirtualBox with Delphi XE5.
On my Mac OSX 10.9.1, I installed the package PAServer version and executed with no password.
I've used previously in the PAServer XE4 version, so I know how it works, but tests with XE5 error occurs.
When I create an example app for iOS and deploy, I put the IP of my Mac and do a test connection, so I get the following message:
Remote Error: Unauthorized user, all server request are ignored.
- Ping from Windows to Mac is OK.
- I have no firewall enabled on Mac and Windows.
- I gave permission to all folders generated by PAServer on Mac.
- On Windows, I have a user with the same username of Mac.
- Using "sudo" to run the PAServer had no effect.
I have no more idea...