In Java, I have a connection to a Sharepoint working and it can retrieve the data in a List with no problem when I specify the internal name of the data column explicitly as below. ArrayList listHash = new ArrayList(); String viewName = ""; GetListItems.ViewFields viewFields = null; GetListItems.Query msQuery = null; GetListItems.QueryOptions queryOptions = null; String webID = ""; String rowLimit = "";
GetListItemsResponse.GetListItemsResult result = listsoap.getListItems(listName, "", msQuery, viewFields, "150", queryOptions, webID);
Object listResult = result.getContent().get(0);
Element element = (Element)result.getContent().get(0);
NodeList nl = element.getElementsByTagName("z:row");
System.out.println("\n=> " + nl.getLength() + " results from SharePoint Online\n");
for(Integer i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
NamedNodeMap attributes = nl.item(i).getAttributes();
//Add each field item to the arraylist
String columnName1 = "ows_ClientName";
String columnName2 = "ows_Address";
But I would like to retrieve those column names automatically from the sharepoint List so I can read it more generically, and not have to specifically know what the internal names of the columns in the List are before I can read them. Can this be achieved?
Any help is appreciated.
With Regards,