
I am new to Erlang and I am trying to understand how to send a message from one process to a list of processes.

Supposedly we have a data structure that holds a list with elements containing a string and Pid. How can I make a Pid send a message "M" to Pids that are one of the two elements previously described ? What I have come up with is:

broadcast(P, M, R) ->
  P ! {self(), friends},
    {P, Friends} ->
  P ! {self(), {send_message, {M, R, P, Friends}}}

looper({Name, Friends, Messages}) ->
  {From, friends} ->
    From ! {self(), Friends},
    looper({Name, Friends, Messages});
  {From, {send_message, {M, R, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}} ->
    if R =< 0 ->
          From ! {From, {self(), {ID, M}}},
          looper({Name, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale], [{ID, M} | Messages]});
       R > 0  andalso FriendTale =/= []->
         FriendPid ! {From, {send_message, {M, R-1, ID, FriendTale}}},
         looper({Name, FriendTale, [{ID, M} | Messages]})
   terminate ->

But from what I understand is that I don't pattern match correctly the list of Pids so that I can "extract" the Pid from an element of the list of Pids, or I don't correctly use the list to send a message to it.

Basically, I have a function called "looper" that is constantly waiting for new messages to arrive. When it receives a message of type

{send_message, {M, R, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}

where "M" is the message that I want to broadcast to the list of Pids called "Friends" and R is just an integer.

The R is basically an integer saying how far the message should go.

e.g. 0 = broadcast the message to self,
     1 = broadcast the message to the friends of the pid,
     2 = broadcast the message to the friends of the friends of the pid and so on...

What I get from the terminal after I setup the Pid, set the "friendships" between the Pids and broadcast a message is:

1> f().
2> c(facein).
facein.erl:72: Warning: variable 'From' is unused
3> {Message, Pid} = facein:start({"dummy", [], []}).
4> {Message, Pid2} = facein:start({"dummy2", [], []}).
5> facein:add_friend(Pid,Pid2).
6> facein:broadcast(Pid,"hello",1).    
=ERROR REPORT==== 5-Oct-2014::12:12:58 ===
Error in process <0.186.0> with exit value: {if_clause,[{facein,looper,1,[{file,"facein.erl"},{line,74}]}]}


When I view the messages of the Pid that broadcasted the message, then the console just hangs and the other Pids have no messages received.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

not enough detail here, the looper function isn't even valid erlang (missing receive).David Budworth
I added the receive in the looper (my bad). What other information do you need? maybe I can give you thatsokras

2 Answers


error message

This time what you get is if_clause error. In Erlang every expression have to return some value, if included. Meaning that you could write code like this

SomeVar = if 
     R =< 0 ->
     R > 0 andalso FriendTale =/= []->

As you can see if needs to "return" something, and to do that, one of it's branches needs to run. Or in other words one of it's clauses needs to mach. But in your case, when R > 0 and FriendsTale =:= [] non of them does. Hence an run-time error.

As general practive last of clauses is left as

  _ ->  

which will always match, and save you from such error.

In you example you don't have to use if at all. What you could do is to extend you receive clauses with some guards

looper({Name, Friends, Messages}) ->
    {From, {send_message, {M, R, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}} 
       when R =< 0 ->
          From ! {From, {self(), {ID, M}}},
          looper({Name, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale], [{ID, M} | Messages]});
    {From, {send_message, {M, R, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}}  
       when R > 0  andalso FriendTale =/= [] ->
          FriendPid ! {From, {send_message, {M, R-1, ID, FriendTale}}},
          looper({Name, FriendTale, [{ID, M} | Messages]});
    terminate ->

In case of receive message that is received do not have to match to one clauses. And if it does not, it is just left in message box (ignored in this receive, but could be caught by another).

Or fallowing you logic you could pattern match on R itself

looper({Name, Friends, Messages}) ->
    {From, {send_message, {M, 0, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}} ->
          From ! {From, {self(), {ID, M}}},
          looper({Name, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale], [{ID, M} | Messages]});
    {From, {send_message, {M, 1, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}}  
       when FriendTale =/= [] ->
          FriendPid ! {From, {send_message, {M, R-1, ID, FriendTale}}},
          looper({Name, FriendTale, [{ID, M} | Messages]});
    terminate ->

And to increase readybility, you could change R from opque integer, to miningfull atoms

looper({Name, Friends, Messages}) ->
    {From, {send_message, {M, back_to_me, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}} ->
          From ! {From, {self(), {ID, M}}},
          looper({Name, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale], [{ID, M} | Messages]});

    {From, {send_message, {M, to_friends, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}}  
       when FriendTale =/= [] ->
          FriendPid ! {From, {send_message, {M, R-1, ID, FriendTale}}},
          looper({Name, FriendTale, [{ID, M} | Messages]});

    terminate ->

broadcast to friends

If I understand correctly looper is function representing one "person". Each friend is process that stores list of friends, can add and remove from it, and can send messages to another friends.

Lets start from creating clause for each of those functions (creating process interface)

looper(Name, Friends, Messages) ->
     {add_friend, Friend} ->
     {remove_friend, Friend} ->
     {receive_message, Message} ->
     {broadcast_to_self, Message} ->
     {broadcast_to_friends, Message} ->
     terminate ->

Most of those are easily implemented, like

{add_frined, Friend} ->
    looper(Name, [Friend, Friends], Messages);

so I will not go into details.

The ones that do the broadcast do not change state, so for now lets write something like this (mostly for sake of readability

     {broadcast_to_friends, Message} ->
        handle_broadcast_to_friends(Friends, Message),
        looper(Name, Friends, Messages);

and implement new function below

handle_broadcast_to_friends(Friends, Message) ->
   [ F ! {receive_message, Message} || F <- Friends ].

Now, since knowing exactly what tuple with which atoms to send is not convenient, we could wrap our "message interface" into "funciton interface". For example

add_friend(Person,  Friend) ->
   Person ! {add_friend, Friends}.

receive_message(Person, Message) ->
    Person ! {receive_message, Message}.

And we could use those also in your logic implementation

handle_broadcast_to_friends(Friends, Message) ->
   [ receive_message(F, Message)  || F <- Friends ].

That should start you on wright track. If you need MessageID or something like that, just extend your interface. If you really need to create broadcast_to_all, you need to think how would you handle messages circling around, which is a not simple problem.


I recommend you reduce the complexity of what you are doing to just the essentials first. This conditional processing business in your receive is not part of your basic messaging issue, for example. Here is a basic example of a common broadcast idiom, using a list comprehension to send to a list of pids in the function bcast/2:


start() ->
    Pids = [spawn(fun() -> listener() end) || _ <- lists:seq(1,3)],
    Message = "This is my message.",
    ok = bcast(Pids, Message),
    timer:sleep(100), % Give the subordinates time to act.
    [exit(P, kill) || P <- Pids],

listener() ->
        {bcast, Message} ->
            Now = now(),
            io:format(user, "~p ~p: Received: ~p~n", [self(), now(), Message]),
        Any ->
            io:format(user, "~p HURR! Unexpected message: ~p~n", [self(), Any]),

bcast(Pids, Message) ->
    BCast = fun(Pid) -> send(Pid, {bcast, Message}) end,
    lists:foreach(BCast, Pids).

The other issues you are having in your code aren't really broadcast issues, they are problems with getting ahead of yourself in an unfamiliar language.

This example is asynchronous (we're only sending a message one way) and requires we kill our subordinate processes because I've only written an infinite loop. Those aspects are the first things to play with: how to deal with your message queue (as in, the whole mailbox) not just send a message, receive a message in a loop; and think about how you want your subordinate processes to die when things go right (I just murder them all in the example above).

EDIT It is good to know that there is another, somewhat common, way of writing the bcast/2 function above using a list comprehension that is assigned to the "I don't care" variable _:

bcast(Pids, Message) ->
    _ = [P ! {bcast, Message} || P <- Pids],

I used to prefer this list comprehension style because it was the first style I was introduced to -- but over the last several years I've become a big fan of the semantic correctness of lists:foreach/2. The point is to not get confused when you see a list comprehension -- it is an important expression type to be able to read!