I am new to Erlang and I am trying to understand how to send a message from one process to a list of processes.
Supposedly we have a data structure that holds a list with Pids. How can I make a Pid send a message "M" to a list of Pids, where each element of the list has 2 elements: a string (representing a name) and the Pid? What I have come up with is:
broadcast(P, M, R) ->
P ! {self(), friends},
{P, Friends} ->
P ! {self(), {send_message, {M, R, P, Friends}}}
looper({Name, Friends, Messages}) ->
{From, {send_message, {M, R, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}} ->
if R =< 0 ->
From ! {From, {self(), {ID, M}}},
looper({Name, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale], [{ID, M} | Messages]});
R > 0 andalso FriendTale =/= []->
FriendPid ! {From, {send_message, {M, R-1, ID, FriendTale}}},
looper({Name, FriendTale, [{ID, M} | Messages]})
terminate ->
But from what I understand is that I don't pattern match correctly the list of Pids so that I can "extract" the Pid from an element of the list of Pids.
Basically, I have a function called "looper" that is constantly waiting for new messages to arrive. When it receives a message of type
{send_message, {M, R, ID, [{FriendPid, FriendName} | FriendTale]}}
where "M" is the message that I want to broadcast to the list of Pids called "Friends" and R is just an integer.
The R is basically an integer saying how far the message should go.
e.g. 0 = broadcast the message to self,
1 = broadcast the message to the friends of the pid,
2 = broadcast the message to the friends of the friends of the pid and so on...
What I get from the terminal after I setup the Pid and set the "friendships" between the Pids is:
1> f().
2> c(facein).
facein.erl:72: Warning: variable 'From' is unused
3> {Message, Pid} = facein:start({"Bjarki", [], []}).
4> {Message, Pid2} = facein:start({"Bjarki2", [], []}).
5> facein:add_friend(Pid,Pid2).
6> facein:broadcast(Pid,"hello",1).
=ERROR REPORT==== 5-Oct-2014::12:12:58 ===
Error in process <0.186.0> with exit value: {if_clause,[{facein,looper,1,[{file,"facein.erl"},{line,74}]}]}
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
definition (how are your arguments named to be exact). – mpm