hi all and sorry for the confusing title... can't find the right words yet. just out of curiosity, I am playing with c# user control, I created a control that is built from a panel, a textbox that is being used as a filter, and some labels / buttons/ etc... that are being filtered. when ever you change the text of the textbox, all the controls on the panel are visible / invisible depending if their Text property contains the Text of the textbox. very simple.
but I want this user control to be such that the user that uses it can drop more labels or controls to it and they will behave the same, I can't figure out how to do that..
when I am editing the control (adding controls to it), it works as expected and the new controls behave as the old ones without code modifications, but only when I am editing the user control and not when using it.
when I am dragging the user control to a form, I can not add controls to it... when I try to add a label to the control - it is just added to the form and not to the control and therefore the text box is not influencing the added label. what should I do if I want to be able to add the control to a form and then add some controls to the control?
I will be happy for some pointers. here is the relevant code:
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Control c in panel1.Controls)
if (c.Text.Contains(textBox1.Text))
c.Visible = true;
c.Visible = false;
edit - pictures added.
as you can see - i typed 1 in the filter text box and all the controls except button1 are now invisible - and of course the bad behaving label.
Thanks, Jim.