I have a User Control that has 3 labels on it. I would like the click event on the parent form to be raised when the control is clicked at any point on the canvas, even in the labels. Its like a button with 3 labels...right now it will only raise the parent event when the base canvas portion is clicked, but doestn't bubble up when the labels are clicked. First, in the constructor I assign the event handlers:
public partial class RunCodeButton : UserControl
public event EventHandler ButtonClick;
public RunCodeButton()
LblCode.Click += RunCodeButton_Click;
LblCount.Click += RunCodeButton_Click;
LblDescription.Click += RunCodeButton_Click;
Then I have the click event of the User control added to the class:
private void RunCodeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ButtonClick?.Invoke(this, e);
then, in the main form (not the user control), i add the click event when I generate the button:
_button.Click += Button_Click;
private void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Result = DialogResult.OK;
RunCode = (Codes_Run)((RunCodeButton)sender).Tag;
if i set a breakpoint inside the user controls click event, and click on a label. It raises the event, but 'ButtonClick' is always null and it stops there.
Is there a way to make the User controls child controls click event bubble up?