
I just created a Cordova App and have some html and JS files inside www folder. Now I want to add Sencha Touch UI Framework. What I want is to have the html and JS files as it is (from www folder) and build using Sencha Touch. Later on I will be adding Sencha UI stuff.

Any idea on how can I proceed ?


1 Answers


Usually you would not start that way. You would create a sencha app..

sencha app generate MyApp myAppFolder

then change into the sencha touch folder

cd myAppFolder
sencha cordova init

then change into the cordova folder

cd cordova
cordova platform add android (plugins ....)

go back into the sencha root folder

cd ..
sencha app build native

that's it.

EDIT: To go for the comment. You can add an NTFS link (hard link) from the following folder:


You can write into that folder automatically from the Sencha build process if you edit the file:


change the following line:
