I am trying to use Phonegap and Sencha Touch 2.3 together
My XAMPP installation is here: E:\Programming\xampp
I have downladed and uzipped the Sensa Touch 2.3 installtion zip file and renamed it to "touch" and placed it here: E:\Programming\xampp\htdocs
After firing up Apache and going to : http://localhost/touch/examples/
I can see that the example apps are showing up correctly.
I want to integrate phonegap into this folder structure because finally I want a native app. So, I want the www folder of phonegap to have the Sencha code so that I can just zip the www folder and upload to build.phonegap.com for building it to native apps
I create a new phonegap app here:
E:\Programming\xampp\htdocs\touch\somsapp>sencha generate app www www
Effectively I replace the www folder of the phonegap created app with a sencha app named "www"
Now, I am trying to modify the source code in the www folder (e.g. changing E:\Programming\xampp\htdocs\touch\somsapp\www\app.js) and see the effect in the chrome browser at: http://localhost/touch/somsapp/www
Once satisfied, I want to zip up the somsapp folder (Phonegap generated) and upload to build.phonegap.com
- I think that this method is convoluted. Is there any more elegant method?
- Changing the code (say in app.js) is not having any effect - the browser still shows a "loading" static page of the default Sencha app