
I would like to align the button of the right, but keep the content tabs on the left. This is my code:

<ext:TabPanel ID="TabPanel1" runat="server" Height="295" Plain="true" DeferredRender="false" meta:resourcekey="TabPanel1Resource1">
          <ext:Button runat="server" Icon="ArrowOut" meta:resourcekey="fullscreenResource1">
                  <Click OnEvent="edit_fullOpenAdd" />
           <ext:Parameter Name="autoScroll" Value="true" Mode="Raw" />
               ......the content ......

Any Ideas?

Thank you!

Edit: I was told to try tabCls: 'right-tab', but I do not know how to implement this.

Please clarify do you want it to be aligned on the left vertically? Or you still need it at the top and horizontally?Daniil Veriga
@DaniilVeriga i would like it top right, vertically aligned with the other tabs. In other words, i have my tabs on the left, then a space, then my button on the complete right.starvator

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