
I need to align the Ext:TextField control along with its FieldLabel attribute, as right-to-left direction. By setting LabelAlign to right and body dir="rtl", I can only align all the control to the right. And I get this format displayed:


But how can I have the following format?



2 Answers


I'm not quite sure if this is possible as there is no real need for such options.

I would suggest that you leave the Label of the text field blank and that you insert an label to the end...


<ext:textfield ID="Text1" Text="I start on the left" runat="server" />
<ext:label ID="Label1" Text="I am a label starting on the left staying on the right" StyleSpec="float: left;" />

It should work like this!


FieldLabel will not work for rtl text fields. The only solution found is to enclose a Label and a Text Field inside table cells, aligned in a table row, with dir="rtl" set to the table or container, like the following.

<table dir="rtl">
            <ext:Label ID="Label1" Text="Sample Label" runat="server" />
            <ext:textfield ID="Text1" Text="Sample Text" runat="server" />