I'm using Kendo UI v2013.2.716, Kendo grid specifically, but I need to change the texts of the filters the Spanish language, I'm using kendo.culture.es-CL.min.js, but seeing him, simply text the days of the week in Spanish . In the picture you can see the filter in English. I have read and applied the instructions: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/aspnet-mvc/globalization, but even I can not make it work. Any help?
3 Answers
Globalization changes the number formats and day and month names. For translated UI messages check the localisation support.
** Update ** This is the right answer although being downvoted. Kendo UI provides built-in localization for various languages and there is no need to set the messages one by one.
UI for ASP.NET MVC goes one step further and provides satellite assemblies.
You should include in you Grid definition
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: ds,
filterable: {
messages : {
info: "Muestra items cuyo valor:",
isTrue: "es verdadero",
isFalse: "es falso",
filter: "Filtra",
clear: "Borra",
and: "Y",
or: "Ó",
selectValue: "-Selecciona valor-",
operator: "Operador",
value: "Valor",
cancel: "Cancelar"
columns : [
See a running example here: http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/hb4yhco3/5/
NOTE: For using this you should use a recent version of KendoUI (v2014.2 or newer)
I finally do it using this code, because my Kendo UI vertion is 2013.2.716, (thanks OnaBai but give me the main idea):
.HtmlAttributes(new {@class="slim-rows"})
.Columns(columns =>
.Pageable(p => p
.Messages(m => m
.Display("Mostrando {0}-{1} de {2} registros")
.Empty("No se encontraron registros")
.First("Ir a la primera página")
.Last("Ir a la última página")
.Next("Ir a la página siguiente")
.Previous("Ir a la página anterior")
.Filterable(filterable => filterable
.Messages(m => m
.Info("Mostrar registros que:")
.Operators(operators => operators
.ForString(str => str.Clear()
.StartsWith("Comienza con")
.IsEqualTo("Es igual a")
.IsNotEqualTo("No es igual a")