I'm trying to setup routes for my Symfony2 single page app and I'm not sure how to go about it correctly without it feeling super hacky.
Here is what I need it to do and how I've attempted to set it up:
When Authenticated
Any route requesting
should hit the routes they have been setup for as usual.Any route that is entered not requesting
should load a controller that renders a twig file containing all the JS for my single page app.Any static resource that doesn't exist and ends looking for a symfony route eg [.js, .css, .jpeg, etc] should return 404.
When NOT Authenticated
Anything requesting
should return 403Anything NOT requesting
should return to the login page
Here is what i've attempted so far:
Setup routes with the FOSRestBundle for each service
Setup a listener that returns the base controller html if the request isn't
if (!in_array('application/json', $request->getAcceptableContentTypes())) { $fakeRequest = $event->getRequest()->duplicate( null, null, array('_controller' => 'HvHDashboardBundle:Dashboard:index') ); $controller = $this->resolver->getController($fakeRequest); $event->setController($controller); }
Setup a bunch of 'catch all' routes to fake a 404 if the static resource doesn't exist.
# routing.yml # Catch any files that are meant to be their own static resource and return 404 catch_all_fail: pattern: /{uri}.{_format} defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Dashboard:return404 } requirements: _format: js|hbs|css|jpg|gif|jpeg|png
- This approach feels like a massive hack, and is not how the Symfony routing system is intended to work
- The base controller page is returned even if you aren't authenticated because the type listener is being hit before the security context and forcing that controller to render.
How do other solve this issue with routing and single page apps with Symfony where they initially need to render HTML with twig, then JS takes over and requests JSON?