
I'm after a custom routing method so I can have below links to be handled by single controller action:


Is it possible even possible? I don't use SensioExtraBundle so routes has to be written down in yaml.

For instance in Zend Framework 2 it is possible quite easily, because I can write a class, which would handle the routing as a wish. Don't know how to achieve the same in Symfony though, any help would be appreciated.

The only way I can come up with is to create a custom route loader, calculate all route permutations and return that collection, but don't know if it the best solution possible.

This question is unique, because I need to use single route name instead of specyfing tens of different route definitions.

Thank you for your input, but I've been there and that answers does not solve my question at all.emix
Can we know why you need a single route name or/and why you can't have route with /q-Houses?city_name=NewYork to understand the contextgoto
Would a catch-all route work for you? You could then do the processing inside the controller.lxg
@goto because of SEO, ultimately I'd like to have urls like /from-chicago/in-flats/find-room or /in-music/find-artist etc.emix
@lxg I guess that would have to do, sound like a good ideaemix

1 Answers


A simple solution would be to define the route as catch-all …

# Resources/config/routing.yml

    path:  /{path}
    defaults: { _controller: FooBarBundle:Catchall:dispatcher, path : "" }
        path: ".*"

… and do all further processing in the controller:

# Controller/CatchallController.php

class CatchallController extends Controller
    public function dispatcherAction(Request $request, string $path)
        if (/* path matches pattern 1 */)
            return $this->doQuery($request, $path);
        elseif (/* path matches pattern 2 */)
            return $this->doCategoryCityQuery($request, $path);

        // ... and so on

            return new Response("Page not found", 404);

    private function doQuery($request, $path)
        // do stuff and return a Response object

    private function doCategoryCityQuery($request, $path)
        // do stuff and return a Response object