I have a web application built with standard PHP. I'm learning Symfony by building a sub-application (for administrators/owners of the site) using Symfony2. So far so good..
My symfony app does call some initialization code from the 'parent' application, and that initialization code sets some (legacy) session variables that this child application may or may not want to use.
But I've noticed in the Symfony documentation that they recommend avoiding use of legacy PHP sessions. http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/http_foundation/sessions.html http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/http_foundation/session_php_bridge.html
Why do they make this recommendation?
Is it simply because the Symfony session management is "better", (and use of the legacy SESSION superglobal is somewhat of an anti-pattern) --- or, is there any other specific incompatibility or problem that may be caused due to the fact that code from my 'parent' application is using legacy sessions? Or some other / additional reasons?