
I have created an MSI installscript project in Installshield. I went to Project Assistant>Application Files, then added the application files(package) and built Setup.exe to install.

After installed these files, I went back to Project Assistant and added some application files, then i changed the product version for updating. Finally, i built the Setup.exe again. When i run the Setup.exe, the automatic update (Upgrade Window Installer Setup) asked me to update a new version. After finishing, I checked Program Files(x86) and the updating didn't do anything, the old package was still here.

How can i update my new package? Is there any way to disable the Upgrade Window Installer Setup?

Thanks for the help.


1 Answers


In my humble opinion, most likely, you added new files to existing Component with keypath, which didn't change. Also you should check "Add\Remove Programs" snap-in in Control Panel to see if upgrade was applied - there should change version of your product.

So, I recommend you check Components, and re-allocate files to new Components if I had right. Also please read more about Components and Files. Could start from here.

Two words about InstallScript MSI project. From InstallShield documentation: Because this project type uses two different engines, it is more complex than pure InstallScript or Basic MSI installation projects. It is recommended only for advanced users. So, if possible, use Basic MSI project - it's a bit simpler than InstallScript MSI for begginers.