
I understand that dword ptr is a size directive that indicates the size of what is being moved where and I know that mov eax, eax is a form of nop code but what does this do?

I think it swaps the address of eax with the hex value inside but I am not too sure or even know why this would happen.


4 Answers


The instruction mov eax, eax may be a no-operation code but that is not what you have here. You're loading from memory, as indicated by the [] "contents-of" characters.

It loads eax with the contents of memory (a 32-bit dword in this case) that is currently pointed to by eax.

Perhaps a graphical picture would help:

    eax:                 0x12345678
    memory @ 0x12345678: 0xffffffff

    eax:                 0xffffffff
    memory @ 0x12345678: 0xffffffff

As to possible uses, there are no doubt many. One that pops into mind immediately is a linked list structure where you have something like this for a single element in the list (pseudo-assembly):

next:      word     ?         ; one word.
payload:   byte     ?(32)     ; 32 bytes.

If eax is used as a pointer to one of those elements, getting the next element would be done with the instruction you see:

mov eax, dword ptr [eax]

It loads EAX with the DWORD value that EAX was originally pointing to.

In C terms its dereferencing the value that was originally held in EAX as follows: "eax = *eax"


dword ptr [eax] - points to memory, which address is eax, so this statement copies 32 bit value from memory to eax


About the why this would happen, it depends on the context.

For example, this could be used to load the value of [eax] on the stack, to use it as an argument for a function call. This operation cannot be done at once (as in mov dword [esp + 4], dword [eax], cannot have two memory references in the same instruction), so it is split in two instructions:

mov eax, dword [eax]
mov dword [esp + 4], eax