I am really battling to get dnspython to read a zone file, I always get stuck with SOA and I have tried combinations of different zones files and python scripts.
Zone file(From http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005/08/managing-dns-zone-files-with-dnspython.html):
$TTL 36000
example.com. IN SOA ns1.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. (
2005081201 ; serial
28800 ; refresh (8 hours)
1800 ; retry (30 mins)
2592000 ; expire (30 days)
86400 ) ; minimum (1 day)
example.com. 86400 NS ns1.example.com.
example.com. 86400 NS ns2.example.com.
example.com. 86400 MX 10 mail.example.com.
example.com. 86400 MX 20 mail2.example.com.
example.com. 86400 A
ns1.example.com. 86400 A
ns2.example.com. 86400 A
mail.example.com. 86400 A
mail2.example.com. 86400 A
www2.example.com. 86400 A
www.example.com. 86400 CNAME example.com.
ftp.example.com. 86400 CNAME example.com.
webmail.example.com. 86400 CNAME example.com.
Script 1(From http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005/08/managing-dns-zone-files-with-dnspython.html):
import dns.zone
from dns.exception import DNSException
import dns.ipv4
import os.path
import sys
zone_file = sys.argv[1]
print "Command line argument: " + str(zone_file)
domain = os.path.basename(zone_file).replace(".hosts","")
print "Domain - "+domain
zone = dns.zone.from_file(zone_file, domain)
print "Zone origin:", zone.origin
for name, node in zone.nodes.items():
rdatasets = node.rdatasets
print "\n**** BEGIN NODE ****"
print "node name:", name
for rdataset in rdatasets:
print "--- BEGIN RDATASET ---"
print "rdataset string representation:", rdataset
print "rdataset rdclass:", rdataset.rdclass
print "rdataset rdtype:", rdataset.rdtype
print "rdataset ttl:", rdataset.ttl
print "rdataset has following rdata:"
for rdata in rdataset:
print "-- BEGIN RDATA --"
print "rdata string representation:", rdata
if rdataset.rdtype == SOA:
print "** SOA-specific rdata **"
print "expire:", rdata.expire
print "minimum:", rdata.minimum
print "mname:", rdata.mname
print "refresh:", rdata.refresh
print "retry:", rdata.retry
print "rname:", rdata.rname
print "serial:", rdata.serial
if rdataset.rdtype == MX:
print "** MX-specific rdata **"
print "exchange:", rdata.exchange
print "preference:", rdata.preference
if rdataset.rdtype == NS:
print "** NS-specific rdata **"
print "target:", rdata.target
if rdataset.rdtype == CNAME:
print "** CNAME-specific rdata **"
print "target:", rdata.target
if rdataset.rdtype == A:
print "** A-specific rdata **"
print "address:", rdata.address
except DNSException, e:
print e.__class__, e
The Error:
python read_zonefile.py example.com.hosts
Command line argument: example.com.hosts
Domain - example.com
Zone origin: example.com.
node name: @
rdataset string representation: 36000 IN SOA ns1 hostmaster 2005081201 28800 1800 2592000 86400
rdataset rdclass: 1
rdataset rdtype: 6
rdataset ttl: 36000
rdataset has following rdata:
rdata string representation: ns1 hostmaster 2005081201 28800 1800 2592000 86400
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "read_zonefile.py", line 31, in
if rdataset.rdtype == SOA:
NameError: name 'SOA' is not defined
Script 2:
import dns.zone
import dns.ipv4
import os.path
import sys
reverse_map Olivia Munn= {}
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
zone = dns.zone.from_file(filename, os.path.basename(filename),relativize=False)
for (name, ttl, rdata) in zone.iterate_rdatas('A'):
except KeyError:
reverse_map[rdata.address] = [name.to_text()]
keys = reverse_map.keys()
keys.sort(lambda a1, a2: cmp(dns.ipv4.inet_aton(a1), dns.ipv4.inet_aton(a2)))
for k in keys:
v = reverse_map[k]
print k, v
python create_rev_dns.py example.com.hosts
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "create_rev_dns.py", line 7, in
zone = dns.zone.from_file(filename, os.path.basename(filename),relativize=False)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/dns/zone.py", line 977, in from_file
filename, allow_include, check_origin)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/dns/zone.py", line 924, in from_text
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/dns/zone.py", line 882, in read
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/dns/zone.py", line 521, in check_origin
raise NoSOA
As for the Zone file I have downloaded a zone file from Godaddy.com, the same issue. I have taken a zone file from a PRODUCTION Bind server(Secondary Zone), same error.
So I am really stumped, any assistance will greatly be appropriated.