I'm writing a tutorial of using IMAP XOAUTH2 authentication in .NET (the standard MVC5 web app which is created by the MVC5 wizard).
I now have all parts except access_token from which I'll create XOAUTH2 IMAP key (the app authenticates, token seems to get refreshed if required, and I know how to build XOAUTH2 IMAP key and do IMAP login when access_token is available). I just need that token.
Although I have some ideas how this can be done I need to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid. For instance, I think I can use something like context.Identity.AddClaim in ConfigureAuth to put the access_token to our identity and then get it from there when doing IMAP login (on another page) but not sure if this info isn't already available.
Maybe, I can have access to that access_token in any place in the code without the need to manually put it in some object (which would be redundant and look silly for a reader experienced in OWIN and MVC5)? I develop .net components for SMTP/IMAP, I'm not a MVC5 expert, just need to write a simple example for using my IMAP lib with it.