
When I http using graph API explorer in the context of "Graph API Explorer", I am able to query user information as - /v2.0/{user-id}

when I http in the context of my app, I see the response as: { "error": { "message": "Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api", "type": "GraphMethodException", "code": 100 } }

Permission lists are same both on Graph API Explorer as well as my App:

user_about_me user_activities user_birthday user_events user_friends user_likes user_location user_photos user_status user_videos email publish_actions read_friendlists read_stream

What access token are you using? the implication is that you're not using oneIgy
Try with another user-id, someone can dis-allow people to get his/her profile. Or, the user-id was deleted from Facebook.Phat H. VU
are you using a user access token for the user you are trying to the infos for? what exactly is your http call?luschn
btw, that is a heavy list of permission. are you sure you need all of them or is it just for testing?luschn
I am using the token generated using graph api explorer, I believe it attached automatically to all outgoing requests. I was using my own user id, and I got this error.prasun

1 Answers


I regenerated a new access token and tried different sets of user ids and it seems to be working now.