I'm currently testing my app on facebook trying to access my accounts address.
In the graph explorer it says:
field is empty or disallowed by access token.
I checked all access rights and entered an address in my profile.
Any suggestions?
http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer trying to get:
for address
it says: field is empty or disallowed by access token
; name etc. works fine.
Got a token for:
email, user_about_me, user_actions.books, user_actions.music, user_actions.news, user_actions.video, user_activities, user_birthday, user_checkins, user_education_history, user_events, user_friends, user_games_activity, user_groups, user_hometown, user_interests, user_likes, user_location, user_notes, user_online_presence, user_photo_video_tags, user_photos, user_questions, user_relationship_details, user_relationships, user_religion_politics, user_status, user_subscriptions, user_videos, user_website, user_work_history