
I'm trying to write some VHDL code that simply feeds sequential bits from a std_logic_vector into a model of an FSM. However, the bits don't seem to be updating correctly. To try figure out the issue, I have the following code, where instead of getting a bit out of a vector, I'm just toggling the signal x (the same place I'd be getting a bit out).

    clk <= NOT clk after 10 ns;
            if count = 8 then
                assert false report "Simulation ended" severity failure;
            elsif (clk = '1') then
                x <= test1(count);
                count <= count + 1;
            end if;         
    end process;

EDIT: It appears I was confused.I've put it back to trying to take bit by bit out of the vector. This is the output. I would have thought that on when count is 1, x would take on the value of test1(1) which is a 1.

enter image description here

What do you mean by "... count and x are not updating at the same time, i.e. on the rising edge of my clock signal." ? From the waveform, and as expected by the code, the count and x are indeed updated at the rising edge of clk.Morten Zilmer
x,count are updated on the rising edge.drahnr
Yes sorry, I'd got my clock line confused. I've updated the question with what it outputs when I try get the bits out of the vector.chris
Post edit, the code matches the waveform. when count is 1 x is assigned test(1) on the next rising clock edge. test(1) is '0'. To get it to start with the MSB (left element of test) you need count down from 7 to 0 or use the compliment index value to count (7 - count), which is the equivalent of the inverted outputs of a 3 bit counter.user1155120
Answer your own question and accept it or close the question. We have lots of zombie questions.user1155120

1 Answers


As David points out in the comments, the code is working fine. The issue was my ignorance of bit order in the std_logic_vector.