
I keep my workspace folder in the Dropbox folder so I can use it on different computers. Usually there isn't a problem. Today however I opened Eclipse and found it doesn't show the projects in the package explorer.

I checked and it's set to the correct workspace folder.

I tried to Import existing projects into workspace, but Eclipse doesn't allow importing the projects because 'they already exist in the workspace' - even though they don't appear.

Will appreciate your help.

Have you tried resetting your perspective? (from Window/Reset Perspective)Sir Celsius
@SirCelsius Did now, didn't help :Aviv Cohn
Maybe try this solution to clear your metadata and generate new one when restarting Eclipse.Sir Celsius
What about the drop-down menu in the project explorer -> Top Level Elements -> Projects?Seb

4 Answers


Keep your project files in DropBox. You shouldn't share a workspace like that -- it will inevitably lead to issues like the one you describe.

That is, keep the project folder, along with the .project, .classpath, and .settings/ in your shared Dropbox space. Create a new workspace on each computer, then "Import existing project" into each workspace, selecting your project in Dropbox, being sure to unselect "copy projects into workspace".


I don't have idea about using dropBox-BUT-However

For your question::

I tried to Import existing projects into workspace, but Eclipse doesn't allow importing the projects because 'they already exist in the workspace' - even though they don't appear.

Possibility:: Projects are not in Eclipse explorer but a copy of it exists in the workspace folder so eclipse is not allowing you to add the projects with same name again.

Solution:: Create a new workspace and then use dropbox to import the projects.


What you can also try is do

  1. Create new General Project
  2. Select in current workspace
  3. Create project with name of an already existing project in your workspace

I seem to remember using this to "hydrate" already existing projects in my workspace into the eclipse package explorer.


This happened to me and it was because I inadvertently filtered out some of the files in the filters option in the Package Explorer.

Inside PackageExplorer -> Small drop down on top right side -> Filters

Un-select all and see if your files are now visible. Worked for me.