I'm having trouble getting relationship data from localstorage when loading a model in the route.
The first time I get the data from the server through an ajax request everything is fine but as soon as I get to a new route and reload the data all the relationship have disappeard.
I don't understand how to reload these relationship! Ideally I would like to call the user-exam model and get all the hasMany array as well.
thanks for your help.
here are my two models
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
question : DS.attr('string'),
questionID : DS.attr('string'),
answer1 : DS.attr('string'),
answer2 : DS.attr('string'),
answer3 : DS.attr('string'),
answer4 : DS.attr('string'),
answer5 : DS.attr('string'),
answer6 : DS.attr('string'),
answer7 : DS.attr('string'),
numberOfAnswers : DS.attr('number'),
solutions : DS.attr('string'),
examID : DS.attr('string'),
chosenAnswers : DS.attr('string'),
result : DS.attr('string'),
userexam: DS.belongsTo('user-exam')
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
salesforceid : DS.attr('string'),
name : DS.attr('string'),
examType: DS.attr('string'),
resultPercentage : DS.attr('number'),
result : DS.attr('string'),
numberOfQuestions : DS.attr('number'),
rightAnswers : DS.attr('number'),
passingPercentage : DS.attr('string'),
questions: DS.hasMany('exam-question')
on my account.js route
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
return this.store.find('user-exam');
afterModel: function() {
var applicationController = this.controllerFor('application');
if (!applicationController.isLoggedIn) {
& controller (on first load I manage to populate all data and relationships are mapped perfectly)
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['application', 'newexam-modal'],
isLoading: true,
loadData: function (){
LoadUserExams: function () {
var applicationController = this.get('controllers.application');
var store = this.store;
var accountController = this;
var userexams = store.findAll('user-exam');
accountController.setProperties ({isLoading: true});
userexams.then(function() {
var userProperties = applicationController.getProperties('useremail','currentToken');
var requestdata = '{ "action": "GetExams","useremail":"'+userProperties.useremail+'","secretToken":"'+userProperties.currentToken+'"}';
url: "my server url",
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
data: requestdata,
success : function (data) {
if (userexams.content.get('length') !== data.get('length')){
data.forEach(function (item){
var examname = item.Name;
store.find('user-exam', { name: examname }).then(function(){
},function() {
store.createRecord('user-exam', {
salesforceid : item.Id,
name : item.Name,
resultPercentage : item.Exam_Result_Percentage__c,
result : item.Exam_Result__c,
numberOfQuestions : item.Number_of_Questions__c,
rightAnswers : item.Right_Answers__c,
passingPercentage : item.Passing_Percentage__c,
examType : item.Exam_Type__r.Name
}).save().then(function (createdexam){
item.Exam_Questions__r.records.forEach(function (question){
store.createRecord('exam-question', {
question : question.Question__r.Question__c,
questionID : question.Name,
answer1 : question.Question__r.Answer_1__c,
answer2 : question.Question__r.Answer_2__c,
answer3 : question.Question__r.Answer_3__c,
answer4 : question.Question__r.Answer_4__c,
answer5 : question.Question__r.Answer_5__c,
answer6 : question.Question__r.Answer_6__c,
answer7 : question.Question__r.Answer_7__c,
numberOfAnswers : question.Question__r.Number_of_Answers__c,
solutions : question.Question__r.Solutions__c,
examID : question.Exam_Name__c,
chosenAnswers : question.Answer_Chosen__c,
result : question.Result__c,
userexam : createdexam
//store.find('user-exam', {name: item.Name})
accountController.setProperties ({isLoading: false});
error : function (data) {
deleteExamData: function() {
console.log('deleting user exams');
record.content.forEach(function(rec) {
console.log('deleting exam'+rec);
Ember.run.once(this, function() {
}, this);
On my account template I use linkto to display the user-exam data. The first time I click on the button the data loads in template with all associated child records. But When I go back to account route and click on the view exam again the child records disappear
{{#link-to 'exam' this}}view exam ยป{{/link-to}}
here is my exam.js route
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params){
return this.store.find('user-exam', params.exam_id);
serialize: function(model){
return {exam_id:model.get('id')};
setupController: function(controller, exam) {
controller.set('model', exam);
afterModel: function() {
var applicationController = this.controllerFor('application');
if (!applicationController.isLoggedIn) {
this.controllerFor('exam').send('loadData' );
my exam.hbs
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="container">
<h2>This is Exam: {{ name }} !</h2>
<div class="container">
{{ questions }}
{{#each question in questions}}
{{question.name}}<br />
my router map:
Router.map(function() {
this.resource('exam', { path: 'exams/:exam_id' });
My localstorage setup is done like so with the ember-cli addon
my application.js adapter:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.LSAdapter.extend({
namespace: 'sfdquiz'
and serializer:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.LSSerializer.extend({