I am using Rails 4, Ember 1.2.0 and Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.3 and DS.ActiveModelSerializer.
I have trouble saving a new record with a 'has many' relationship. Two model records should be created but only by one POST request.
I have 2 models which looks like this:
Lingohub.SupportCase = DS.Model.extend({ subject: DS.attr('string'), status: DS.attr('string'), created_at: DS.attr('date'), supportCaseMessages: DS.hasMany('supportCaseMessage') }); Lingohub.SupportCaseMessage = DS.Model.extend({ supportCase: DS.belongsTo('supportCase'), text: DS.attr('string'), created_at: DS.attr('date') });
My NEW route creates support case and support case massage:
Lingohub.SupportCasesNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function() { var support_case = this.store.createRecord('supportCase'); support_case.get('supportCaseMessages').createRecord(); return support_case; } });
My new form looks like this: (I don't know if you can bind an child attribute easier?)
<form {{action 'create' this on="submit"}} id="new_support_case">
{{input value=subject}}
{{!-- {{supportCaseMessages.0.text}} --}}
{{#each supportCaseMessages}}
{{textarea value=text}}
<input type="submit">
'create' action in the controller:
Lingohub.SupportCasesNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
create: function(supportCase) {
var message = supportCase.get('supportCaseMessages.content')[0];
The POST Request to the Server only sends the 'support case'!!
{"support_case"=>{"subject"=>"aaaaaa", "status"=>nil, "created_at"=>nil}}
How can I send the additional record 'support case message' and the relationship ?