Greetings… Hopefully someone has seen and solved this problem before. I finished my first Sencha Touch app, and everything works well in a browser/development environment. However, I’ve been stuck for a couple of days on the last mile of the native build process using cordova. I use the AccordionList plugin which defines a PL store & model on demand. After extensive troubleshooting, the problem seems to point to the model definition that extends the src/data/model.js The error says, ‘cannot read property ‘set’ of undefined (repeated 2 times) and it seems to point to the last line of the code below.
// Create static setters and getters for each config option
for (i = 0; i < staticConfigsLn; i++) {
key = staticConfigs[i];
for (j = 0; j < copyMethodsLn; j++) {
methodName = configNameCache[key][copyMethods[j]];
The app gets stuck on the initial splash screen after native or testing builds. Works fine in pre-build browser mode. I’m using Windows 7 w/XAMPP and PHP/MySQL, Android SDK level 19, Sencha Touch 2.3.1 and Sencha Cmd
Any tips, ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.