I have got two tables :
Dress (dress_id, title)
Dress_comment (comment_id, dress_id, comment)
I have been trying from hours now and unable to convert this query into the corresponding Codeigniters' Active Class Record functions.
Here is the query :
SELECT d.dress_id, d.title, COALESCE(dc.count, 0)
FROM dress d
JOIN (select dress_id, count(comment_id) as count from dress_comment group by dress_id) dc
ON d.dress_id = dc.dress_id
ORDER BY d.dress_id;
This is what I have tried till now :
//Creating the select subquery for the inner join
$this->db->select('dress_id, count(comment_id) as count')
$subQuery = $this->db->last_query();
//Main Query
$this->db->select('d.dress_id, d.title, COALESCE(dc.count,0)')
->join($subQuery . ' dc','dc.dress_id = d.dress_id','left')
$result = $this->db->get();
return $result->result_array();
But Codeigniter is not running this query and always giving mysql syntax error. The sql format that codeigniter is converting this active methods to is
SELECT `d`.`dress_id`, `d`.`title`, COALESCE(dc.count, `0)`
FROM (`Dress`) LEFT JOIN `SELECT` `dress_id`, count(comment_id) as count
FROM (`Dress_comment`)
GROUP BY `dress_id` dc
ON `dc`.`dress_id` = `d`.`dress_id`
ORDER BY `d`.`dress_id`