A memory analysis of the following program shows that the noleak functions runs in constant memory while the leak function leaks memory in a linear fashion. dflemstr indicated that this might be due to RWST causing an infinite chain of allocations. Is this the case and what other solutions exists? I actually dont need the Writer monad.
GHC 7.8.3 on ARCH 64 bit
ghc Pipe.hs -o Pipe -prof
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Pipes
import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict
main = leak
effectLeak :: Effect (RWST () () () IO) ()
effectLeak =
(forever $ do
liftIO . threadDelay $ 10000 * 1
yield "Space") >->
(forever $ do
text <- await
yield $ text ++ (" leak" :: String)) >->
(forever $ do
text <- await
liftIO . print $ text
effectNoleak :: Effect IO ()
effectNoleak =
(forever $ do
lift . threadDelay $ 10000 * 1
yield "Space") >->
(forever $ do
text <- await
yield $ text ++ (" leak" :: String)) >->
(forever $ do
text <- await
lift . print $ text
leak = (\e -> runRWST e () ()) . runEffect $ effectLeak
noleak = runEffect $ effectNoleak
run in constant memory. Unless you compiled without optimization. So your solution is probably "use-O2
". – Zeta