My goal is to have the last value produced equal to 80 (40 + 40) (see code below)...
import Pipes
import Pipes.Prelude
import Pipes.Lift
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
data Input = A Integer | B Integer | C Integer
main :: IO ()
main = runEffect $ each [A 10,B 2,C 3,A 40,A 40] >-> pipeline >-> print
pipeline :: Pipe Input Integer IO ()
pipeline = for cat $ \case
A x -> yield x >-> accumulate
B x -> yield x
C x -> yield x
accumulate :: Pipe Integer Integer IO ()
accumulate = evalStateP 0 accumulate'
accumulate' :: Pipe Integer Integer (StateT Integer IO) ()
accumulate' = go
go = do
x <- await
lift $ modify (+x)
r <- lift get
yield r
With this example Input A
s are not accumulated...yield x >-> accumulate
on Input A does do what I'm expected, the stream is a new one each time...
Piping pipes with different state monad sequentially works well but here somehow I want to nest them in the case pattern (like a substream somehow)...