This problem is difficult and depends on how the help is invoked. You must give some more information and the calling VBA code. I have seen your issue with multiple instances of the help window only once after moving the Access window to a new position followed by pressing the F1 button. But never seen again yet.
One thing I remember is a problem with hh.dat. The hh.dat file stores user-specific information on all the HTMLHelp files (*.CHM) on your system (position, favourite topics, search history, etc.), and can cause a error if it has somehow been corrupted. Delete or rename the file hh.dat to reset all (!) CHM windows on your system to their default settings.
You should find hh.dat in this directory:
\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Microsoft\HTML Help or
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\HTML Help
Windows will create a new version of hh.dat when you next open any .chm file.
Try to set F1 to AutoKeys (see snapshot).

Add a modul for invoking help by HTMLHelp API (see code sample):
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'----- Modul - definition for HTMLHelp - (c) Ulrich Kulle,
'----- 2014-08-26 Version 0.1.9000
Declare Function IsWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function HtmlHelp Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" _
(ByVal hwndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, _
ByVal uCommand As Long, ByVal dwData As Long) As Long
Declare Function HTMLHelpTopic Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" _
(ByVal hwndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, _
ByVal uCommand As Long, ByVal dwData As String) As Long
Private Declare Function HtmlHelpSearch Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" _
(ByVal hwndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, _
ByVal uCommand As Long, dwData As HH_FTS_QUERY) As Long
'--- to keep the handle of the HH windows when calling help by API --------
Public HHwinHwnd As Long
'--- some constants used by the API ---------------------------------------
Public Const HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC = &H0 ' select last opened tab, [display a specified topic]
Public Const HH_DISPLAY_TOC = &H1 ' select contents tab, [display a specified topic]
Public Const HH_DISPLAY_INDEX = &H2 ' select index tab and searches for a keyword
Public Const HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH = &H3 ' select search tab and perform a search
Public Const HH_HELP_CONTEXT = &HF ' display mapped numeric value in dwData
Public Const HH_CLOSE_ALL = &H12
Public Type HH_FTS_QUERY ' UDT for accessing the Search tab
cbStruct As Long ' Sizeof structure in bytes.
fUniCodeStrings As Long ' TRUE if all strings are unicode.
pszSearchQuery As String ' String containing the search query.
iProximity As Long ' Word proximity.
fStemmedSearch As Long ' TRUE for StemmedSearch only.
fTitleOnly As Long ' TRUE for Title search only.
fExecute As Long ' TRUE to initiate the search.
pszWindow As String ' Window to display in
End Type
Public Function HFile(ByVal i_HFile As Integer) As String
'----- Set the string variable to include the application path of helpfile
Select Case i_HFile
'//--- default help file
Case 1
HFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\CHM-example.chm"
Case 2
'----- Place other Help file paths in successive case statements
HFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\CHM-example.chm"
End Select
End Function
Public Sub OpenHelp(strHelpFile As String, lngID As Long)
Dim hWnd As Long
Dim strHelpFile As String
strHelpFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\CHM-example.chm"
hWnd = HtmlHelp(Application.hWndAccessApp, strHelpFile, HH_DISPLAY_TOC, lngID)
End Sub
Public Function CallHelp()
'//--- TEST invoking help with different methods ----------------------------------
'OpenHelp strHelpFile, 20010
'ShowContents 1
'ShowIndex 1
'ShowSearch 1
If Screen.ActiveForm.Name = "Coordinates-Form-1" Then
MsgBox Screen.ActiveForm.Name
ShowTopicID 1, 10010
ElseIf Screen.ActiveForm.Name = "Coordinates-Form-2" Then
MsgBox Screen.ActiveForm.Name
ShowTopicID 1, 20010
ShowContents 1
End If
End Function
Public Sub ShowContents(ByVal intHelpFile As Integer)
HHwinHwnd = HtmlHelp(Application.hWndAccessApp, HFile(intHelpFile), HH_DISPLAY_TOC, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub ShowIndex(ByVal intHelpFile As Integer)
HHwinHwnd = HtmlHelp(Application.hWndAccessApp, HFile(intHelpFile), HH_DISPLAY_INDEX, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub ShowTopic(ByVal intHelpFile As Integer, strTopic As String)
HHwinHwnd = HTMLHelpTopic(Application.hWndAccessApp, HFile(intHelpFile), HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, strTopic)
End Sub
Public Sub ShowTopicID(ByVal intHelpFile As Integer, IdTopic As Long)
HHwinHwnd = HtmlHelp(Application.hWndAccessApp, HFile(intHelpFile), HH_HELP_CONTEXT, IdTopic)
End Sub
'----- display the search tab
'----- bug: start searching with a string dosn't work
Public Sub ShowSearch(ByVal intHelpFile As Integer)
Dim searchIt As HH_FTS_QUERY
With searchIt
.cbStruct = Len(searchIt)
.fUniCodeStrings = 1&
.pszSearchQuery = "foobar"
.iProximity = 0&
.fStemmedSearch = 0&
.fTitleOnly = 1&
.fExecute = 1&
.pszWindow = ""
End With
Call HtmlHelpSearch(0&, HFile(intHelpFile), HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH, searchIt)
End Sub