
I use Help & Manual to create web help (HTML) files. I would like to link this to my Delphi 2007 application so that it pops up when users press the F1 key, and ideally, to pop up to a context sensitive spot.

This is what I've tried:

Adding the HTMLHelpViewer unit to the uses clause of the main form.
Setting the HelpFile property to the name of the index.htm file.
Setting the OnHelp event (this event doesn't get fired on F1, btw).

I also have searched Stack Overflow and other web links to try to find the steps to accomplish this, and while I find clues, I cannot seem to find a step by step way of accomplishing this.

Thanks for any help.


2 Answers


It seems that you forgot to set HelpContex or HelpKeyword properties. The help is only invoked if there is control with HelpContex <> 0 or HelpKeyword <> ''.


I don't know the details of Help & Manual, but as a commercial application with a dedicated support forum you may find help there if we don't come up with what you need. Here are some links that may help:

Their online help system has general info on context-sensitive help and specific info on application calls to webhelp.

See "All about help files in Borland Delphi" on this page.

There are H&M-specific Delphi components available here for free download.

Hope this is a start for you.