I had the same issue. I was able to resolve it by following the veracode instructions below. It basically tells you to manually create archive package, move the .app and .app.sym folders to a new location and then rename the zip file to an ipa.
From Veracode Help Center:
"Because Xcode does not create .IPA packages that contain DSYM information, you must create the package yourself. Xcode dynamically creates a folder to contain the .app and .app.dsym files. There is no definite path to this folder, but you can search the folder after you build your application. To do this, open Xcode and click Products on the left side of the window. Right-click the .app file, and select Reveal in Finder, which takes you to the folder where the .app and .app.dsym files are located. Once you have located the DSYM information, you can package your compiled iOS application as follows:
- Select the .app and .app.dSYM folders for your application.
- Copy both folders into a folder called Payload. Note: the folder name
must be capitalized.
- Create a zip archive containing the Payload
folder. You can do this on a Mac by selecting the Payload folder and
choosing Compress from the context menu, or by using the
zip-compatible archiving utility of your choice.
- Change the extension of the resulting archive to .ipa.
- Upload this archive to the Veracode application profile.