As the basis for my scene objects, I have a single root Object3D. My data is loaded as a tree structure of Object3Ds from this root. Meshes are added to the leaf Object3Ds, using BufferGeometry/MeshPhongMaterial. I clear the existing tree by passing the root Object3D into this method:
function (obj) {
if (obj instanceof THREE.Mesh)
obj.geometry = undefined;
obj.material = undefined;
obj = undefined;
if (obj.children !== undefined) {
while (obj.children.length > 0) {
this.clearScene(obj.children[0]); // removing children changes the length of the array.
Consider the following simple tree:
- Scene (Scene)
- Root (Object3D)
- Branch (Object3D)
- Leaf (Mesh)
- Branch (Object3D)
- Root (Object3D)
Once this structure is in the scene, I observe the heap (using Chrome's dev tools). I can see 3 Object3Ds objects, and 2 Mesh objects (the extras are the prototypes).
When I call clearScene(Root), I see it step through the tree, removing the Object3Ds, and cleaning up the meshes. But when I observe the heap, I see that although the Object3Ds have been removed, the 2 Mesh objects (and their associated BufferGoemetry and Material objects) remain. If I load the data a second time after clearing, I see 3 Object3Ds (okay), and 4 Meshes (not okay).
I believe this means that a reference isn't getting cleared correctly, but I didn't see any retainers in the heap that would do this.
I must be missing something else which is causing these objects to hang around.
r69dev (I was seeing the same in r68), testing in Chrome 36.0.1985.125