Help! I've done a lot of research and looking for answers, both here and elsewhere but the solution to my particular problem has so far eluded me.
I'm building a search in drupal views to return users who meet certain criteria. I have the search currently doing most of what I need (proximity searching, combined name searching etc.), but I am looking for one last thing:
Each user has a list of activities they can do that they are certified to do, and a separate list of activities they can do, that they are NOT certified to do.
Both lists are constrained lists (e.g. a list of options) and both lists are identical.
e.g. List A [drive, ski, skate, fly], List B [drive, ski, skate, fly].
Normally searchers are only interested in searching for users in List A. My current search does this fine.
What I would like is an "Include Non-Certified" checkbox that when checked, uses the exposed dropdown filter for List A, and returns users who have the selected item in List A OR List B.
I have found lots of methods for searching multiple fields from one exposed filter, but they all apply to string / text entry searches, NOT to a dropdown list of options type filter.
I've looked at things like: "Global: Combine fields filter (exposed)", or the "Better Exposed Filters Drupal Module" and "Views filters populate Drupal module" but I can't see a way to get them to do what I want.
Any help would be much appreciated. I understand it seems to be a fairly unusual requirement. I also hope the above explanation is clear.