
I'm using Profile to add a "Department" field to user profiles. I'm using Views to create a view of users, with "Department" being an Exposed Filter. The Exposed Filter is a textfield. I'd like for it to be a select dropdown that is populated with all possible values.

Is anyone aware of a module that will alter Views filters, changing fields from textfields to select dropdowns?

Drupal 6. Views 2. The profile field is a single-line textfield (with autocomplete).


3 Answers


i had the same issue in a project fields that are textboxes show be select box. as attachment image shows in 'FILTER CRITERIA' choose your field in 'Filter type to expose' part choose 'Grouped filters' a table will be shown that you manually can add your data as options

this solution is good when you know your options

this is my RTL settings for expose a textbox filter this is my RTL settings for expose a textbox filter

this is my RTL settings for expose a textbox options this is my RTL settings for expose a textbox options

and in UI - client side this field will be shown like this and in UI - client side this field will be shown like this


What kind of profile field is "Department"? I'm assuming it's one of single-line textfield, multi-line textfield, checkbox or list selection. I only tested it with a list selection, but if you check "Force single" then the exposed filter will be a select dropdown.

Assuming you mean Drupal 6. The above is true with Views 2.x and 3.x on D6.


If you want to modify an existing filter, follow the accepted solution provided here.

If altering an existing filter does not satisfy your requirements, then this step-by-step tutorial will help you creating your own custom Views filter.