I am trying to get the Fast Fourier Transform of a specific part of the signal coming from a .wav file.
The .wav file is a repetition of the signal every 0.6 seconds.
I am trying to figure out how to get the repetition 10 times and compare to show that the results should be similar.
This is the code i have for now:
Fs = 44100;
cj = sqrt(-1);
[test,fs]= wavread('3b healthy2.wav'); % File data name
dt = 1/Fs;
time = 45.6;
N = time/dt;
I = left;
Q = right;
t = 0:dt:(time-dt);
n = length(t);
f = -Fs/2:Fs/n:Fs/2-Fs/n;
s = I+cj.*Q;
% Smooth the signal
ss = smooth(s,201);
sf = fftshift(fft(ss(1:N))); % taking fft
So once I separate program I can find out the time domain and from there I found that one repetition is at 45.2 to 45.8.
After I run this program I get a graph but from what I can see, it is not including one repetition but all repetitions combined up to 45.2
Below is the graph of what the signal looks like at 45 seconds. The signal is repeating continuously for 3 minutes. Now I need the FFT of that 45 seconds repetition