
I am trying to convert a date into a julian date. I have this data frame

      diff   yr mo dy hr
1 3.174583 1873 12  1  1
2 2.874583 1873 12  1  3
3 2.574583 1873 12  1  5
4 2.074583 1873 12  1  7
5 1.774583 1873 12  1  9
6 1.474583 1873 12  1 11

and for every row I want to assign the number of days since a particular date (e.g. "1870-01-01").

I tried like this


but this gives me the days since "1970-01-01".. If I try to set the origin

  julian(as.Date(paste(dep$yr,dep$mo,dep$dy,sep="/"),"%Y/%m/%d"),origin = paste(1870,1,1,sep="-"))

then I get this error

Error in unclass(x) - unclass(origin) : 
  non-numeric argument to binary operator

Can some one help me?

Many thanks

If you read the help for julian() you will notice that you need to specify the origin which is 1970-01-01 by default.Andrie
@Andrie Yes but when I specify the origin I get the error Error in unclass(x) - unclass(origin) : non-numeric argument to binary operatoruser3706794
@Andrie see edited questionuser3706794
@Andrie no it is the argument for julianuser3706794
This works: julian(as.Date("1873-12-01"), origin = as.Date("1870-01-01")). Your origin should be a Date, not a string.Andrie

1 Answers


Using ISOdate here and a proper origin date value should help you

julian(with(dep, ISOdate(yr,mo,dy,hr)), origin=as.Date("1870-1-1"))

# Time differences in days
# [1] 1430.042 1430.125 1430.208 1430.292 1430.375 1430.458