I need to calculate time difference in minutes/hours/days etc between 2 Date-Time columns of two dataframes, please find the details below
df1 <- data.frame (Name = c("Aks","Bob","Caty","David"),
timestamp = c("Mon Apr 1 14:23:09 1980", "Sun Jun 12 12:10:21 1975", "Fri Jan 5 18:45:10 1985", "Thu Feb 19 02:26:19 1990"))
df2 <- data.frame (Name = c("Aks","Bob","Caty","David"),
timestamp = c("Apr-01-1980 14:28:00","Jun-12-1975 12:45:10","Jan-05-1985 17:50:30","Feb-19-1990 02:28:00"))
I am facing problem in converting df1$timestamp and df2$timestamp , here POSIXct & as.Date are not working getting error - non numeric argument to binary operator
I need to calculate time diff in mins/hrs or days