Use an Ext.navigation.View. It will handle all the view transitions and will create a back button for you. All you have to do is pushing your lists into it.
Ext.create("Controller", {
extend: "",
refs: {
navigationView: "navigationview",
sectionList: "list[itemId='sectionlist']",
vacancyList: "list[itemId='vacancylist']"
control: {
sectionList: {
sectionSelected: "handleSectionSelection"
vacancyList: {
vacancySelected: "handleVacancySelection"
handleSectionTap: function () {
var sectionList = Ext.create("Ext.List", {
itemId: "sectionlist",
store: "sectionStore",
itemTpl: "{name}",
onItemDisclosure: function ( list, record ) {
this.fireEvent( "sectionSelected", record );
var navigationView = this.getNavigationView();
navigationView.push( sectionList );
handleSectionSelection: function ( record ) {
var vacancyList = Ext.create("Ext.List", {
itemId: "vacancylist",
store: record.get("storeId"),
itemTpl: "{name}",
onItemDisclosure: function ( list, record ) {
this.fireEvent( "vacancySelected", record );
handleVacancySelection: function ( record ) {
var detailView = Ext.create("DetailView");
detailView.setRecord( record );
var navigationView = this.getNavigationView();
navigationView.push( detailView );
A tap on a disclosure button of the selection list will push a new vacancy list into the navigation view. Since there are now two views on the navigationview stack it will create a back button which will let one pop the vacancy list and return to the selection list.
Same procedure will happen when one taps the vacancy list disclosure button.
The code assumes that you have already created a navigation view somewhere and that your selection record holds an id of the an vacancy store.