
I need an option to see the last accessed few pages in Sencha Touch application. I have many panels in my application and at run time I change the view-port item based on different conditions. I need a list of last accessed pages on a button click and from there I should be able to select each pages with the old data on that page.

Thanks in advance!!!

I know is not exactly what you are asking, but did you consider wrapping your app in a main navigationView?Nico Grunfeld
Thank you for your reply. But that will not work for me as my aim is to get a particular page directly on a click, not using back buttonNarain
I know that, what I meant is that you can use the stack of views it mantains as items.Nico Grunfeld
Thanks again, but my issue is I have different set of menus, which I cannot include inside one view.Narain

1 Answers


I think you could get it using routes and adding actions or hashes into a localstore.

You could create an Ext.List with that store and change window.location on the ItemTap callback.

Take a look at the history support guide.

hope it helps-