
I'm intending to submit an update version to App Store. I'm experienced about this archiving -> validating -> distributing thing, so I followed the steps carefully. I've tried more than 20 times submission since yesterday and I always get an "Invalid Signature" rejection (Invalid Binary) after few minutes when upload received, all the same each time rejected automatically by the system.

I searched a lot and tried everything I can do, including cleaning build folder, re-generate certificate and profile, re-sign the package etc. Archiving is fine, validating is fine, everything is fine before Apple processing it. Really got mad by it, it says:

Apple's response

Finally I used the "codesign" command to check my App. I checked my previous version which was submitted successfully and it returns:

Old one works fine

And my latest wrong *.app shows:

Wrong one

Then I opened *.app/_CodeSignature/CodeResources I got some file references that I'm pretty sure I cannot find them in my project:

Wrong file references

It feels like those wrong file references are exactly the reason (I'm not sure). I choosed "Create folder references for any added folders" option when adding resources and it looks like:


  1. Where can I remove those wrong "._." file references?
  2. Any other suggestion on how to solve the "Invalid Signature" issue?

1 Answers


Finally I solved it! The ".*" files won't be copied to target package but will be Hashed in *.app/_CodeSignature/CodeResources, it makes iTunes server consider this package corrupt.

  1. defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
  2. defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false

Use command 1 to show all hidden files in Finder and 2 to hide them again. Or use

find . -name “.*” -print

to show all .* files. And use

find . -name “.*” -exec rm rf {} \;

to delete them.

And then re-archive and submit it. Waiting for review now!