
The standard stats::kruskal.test module allows to calculate the kruskal-wallis test on a dataset:

>>> data(diamonds)
>>> kruskal.test(price~carat, data=diamonds)

Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  price by carat by color 
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 50570.15, df = 272, p-value < 2.2e-16

This is correct, it is giving me a probability that all the groups in the data have the same mean.

However, I would like to have the details for each pair comparison, like if diamonds of colors D and E have the same mean price, as some other softwares do (SPSS) when you ask for a Kruskal test.

I have found kruskalmc from the package pgirmess which allows me to do what I want to do:

> kruskalmc(diamonds$price, diamonds$color)
Multiple comparison test after Kruskal-Wallis 
p.value: 0.05 
      obs.dif critical.dif difference
D-E  571.7459     747.4962      FALSE
D-F 2237.4309     751.5684       TRUE
D-G 2643.1778     726.9854       TRUE
D-H 4539.4392     774.4809       TRUE
D-I 6002.6286     862.0150       TRUE
D-J 8077.2871    1061.7451       TRUE
E-F 2809.1767     680.4144       TRUE
E-G 3214.9237     653.1587       TRUE
E-H 5111.1851     705.6410       TRUE
E-I 6574.3744     800.7362       TRUE
E-J 8649.0330    1012.6260       TRUE
F-G  405.7470     657.8152      FALSE
F-H 2302.0083     709.9533       TRUE
F-I 3765.1977     804.5390       TRUE
F-J 5839.8562    1015.6357       TRUE
G-H 1896.2614     683.8760       TRUE
G-I 3359.4507     781.6237       TRUE
G-J 5434.1093     997.5813       TRUE
H-I 1463.1894     825.9834       TRUE
H-J 3537.8479    1032.7058       TRUE
I-J 2074.6585    1099.8776       TRUE

However, this package only allows for one categoric variable (e.g. I can't study the prices clustered by color and by carat, as I can do with kruskal.test), and I don't know anything about the pgirmess package, whether it is maintained or not, or if it is tested.

Can you recommend me a package to execute the Kruskal-Wallis test which returns details for every comparison? How would you handle the problem?

There is kruskal function in agricolae package. You could check if fits your needs.Marek
Obviously you mean kruskal.test (without the second .test). I guess you are using the diamonds dataset from ggplot2 package. Well, I can't figure out why, but when I try loading it I get an error internal error -3 in R_decompress1 In addition: Warning message: restarting interrupted promise evaluation. (I know, this looks like a question I should post, but has anyone faced the same problem?)George Dontas
@ Marek: thank you very much. I saw agricolae but it seems to have the same problem as pgirmess :-( @gd047: I have no idea what your error may be, really. Maybe you should try to reinstall ggplot2. Do you have the same error with other datasets or packages?dalloliogm
I just wonder what makes you think that kruskal.test can handle more than one grouping variable. It is a one-way test, after all. If you want to look at all combinations of two factors, just create a new one combining them using interaction.Aniko

4 Answers


One other approach besides kruskal::agricolae mentioned by Marek, is the Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test implemented in the help page for oneway_test in the coin package that uses multcomp. Using hadley's setup and reducing the B= value for the approximate() function so it finishes in finite time:

#updated translation of help page implementation of NDWD
NDWD <- 
    independence_test(dv ~ iv, data = sum_codings1, distribution = approximate(B = 10000), 
                          ytrafo = function(data) trafo(data, numeric_trafo = rank_trafo), 
                          xtrafo = mcp_trafo(iv = "Tukey"))

    ### global p-value

    ### sites (I = II) != (III = IV) at alpha = 0.01 (page 244)
    print(pvalue(NDWD, method = "single-step"))

More stable results on that larger dataset may require increasing the B value and increasing the user's patience.

Jan: 2012: There was recently a posting on R-help claiming unexpected results from this method so I forwarded that email to the maintainer. Mark Difford said he had confirmed the problems and offered an alternate tests with the nparcomp package: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2012-January/300100.html

There were also in the same week a couple of other suggestions on rhelp for post-hoc contrasts to KW tests: kruskalmc suggested by Mario Garrido Escudero and rms::polr followed by rms::contrasts suggested by Frank Harrell https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2012-January/300329.html

Nov 2015: Agree with toto_tico that help page code of coin package has been changed in the intervening years. The ?independence_test help page now offers a multivariate-KW test and the ?oneway_test help page has replace its earlier implementation with the code above usng the independence_test function.


You can use PMCMR package. There is more information about it.

Spelling_Grades <- c(90,87,89,90,75,88,97,99,78,85,72,76,77,79,70)
Methods <- c("A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","B","C","C","C","C","C")

#This method doesn't accept characters that's why I've changed the methods to integer
Methods <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3)

The two methods above give same results.


I would have thought you'd be able to do the following:

data(diamonds, package = "ggplot2")


kt <- kruskal_test(price ~ clarity, data = diamonds)
glht(kt, mcp(clarity = "Tukey"))

But it seems like multcomp doesn't support coin objects (yet?).


Unfortunately I don't know of a function like this. If there isn't one already, it would be an interesting task to construct a function that returns a matrix with all pairwise treatment comparisons. A contrast is considered significant if the following inequality is satisfied

alt text
(source: statsdirect.com)

where T is the Kruskal-Wallis test statistic for k samples, S^2 is the denominator of the T statistic, N is the total number (all ni) and Ri is the sum of the ranks (from all samples pooled) for the ith sample, and t is a quantile from the Student t distribution on N-k degrees of freedom.

I know I didn't help much :)
I am also waiting for a better answer