Are you please able to assist in performing a Krustal Wallis test using a subset of my data? I would like to be able to test for differences in "N" between "Producers".
[1] "Species" "Name" "Group" "Simple_Group" "Trophic_Group"
[6] "Sample" "N" "C"
In my csv.file I have a column "Trophic Group" which separates Consumers and Producers.
Consumer Producers
61 18
Under the column heading Simple_Group, I have three Producers - Rhodophyta, Seagrass and Phaeophyceae
Abalone Loliginidae Octopus Phaeophyceae Rhodophyta Seagrass Teleost
24 2 12 6 9 3 20
I have tried numerous things, but I get various error messages. Would anyone be able to improve on the following code?
kruskal.test(C ~ Simple_Group, data = Isotope.Data, subset = Isotope.Data$Trophic_Group = "Producers")
P.S. I have created a separate CSV.file which only includes Primary Producers. However a subsequent Dunn-test of multiple comparisons, used to determine which levels differed from each other provides different significance levels to those which includes both Consumers and Producers.
? Which is the error message you get when running the code? – R18==
and not=
. – Roman Luštrik