I am trying to figure out how to create an build.sbt
file for my own Scalding-based project.
Scalding source structure has no build.sbt
file. Instead it has project/Build.scala
build definition.
What would be the right way to integrate my own sbt project with Scalding, so I could also import it later in Eclipse with sbt-eclipse
For the following code:
import cascading.tuple.Fields
import com.twitter.scalding._
class Scan(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
val output = TextLine("tmp/out.txt")
val wordsList = List(
val orderedPipe =
IterableSource[(String)](wordsList, ('word))
With this build.sbt
name := "Scan"
version := "1.0"
libraryDependencies := Seq("com.twitter" %% "scalding" % "0.11.1")
I get errors:
$ sbt
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/test/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to Scan (in build file:/home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/)
> compile
[info] Updating {file:/home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/}scan...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] downloading http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/twitter/scalding_2.10/0.11.1/scalding_2.10-0.11.1.jar ...
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] com.twitter#scalding_2.10;0.11.1!scalding_2.10.jar (641ms)
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[error] /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/src/main/scala/Scan.scala:1: not found: object cascading
[error] import cascading.tuple.Fields
[error] ^
[error] /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/src/main/scala/Scan.scala:2: object twitter is not a member of package com
[error] import com.twitter.scalding._
[error] ^
[error] /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/src/main/scala/Scan.scala:5: not found: type Job
[error] class Scan(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
[error] ^
[error] /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/src/main/scala/Scan.scala:5: not found: type Args
[error] class Scan(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
[error] ^
[error] /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/src/main/scala/Scan.scala:5: too many arguments for constructor Object: ()Object
[error] class Scan(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
[error] ^
[error] /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/src/main/scala/Scan.scala:6: not found: value TextLine
[error] val output = TextLine("tmp/out.txt")
[error] ^
[error] /home/test/Cascading/Scala/Scan/src/main/scala/Scan.scala:15: not found: value IterableSource
[error] IterableSource[(String)](wordsList, ('word))
[error] ^
[error] 7 errors found
[error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed
Update 2
After doing git clone [email protected]:twitter/scalding.git their repository
and sbt publishLocal
I still have the same compilation errors.
BUT adding two lines that you suggested to build.sbt
allowed me to compile my code. So the following build.sbt
really works, thanks!
name := "BlockScan"
version := "1.0"
libraryDependencies := Seq("com.twitter" %% "scalding" % "0.11.1")
lazy val scaldingCore = ProjectRef(uri("https://github.com/twitter/scalding.git"), "scalding-core")
lazy val myProject = project in file(".") dependsOn scaldingCore
'sbt eclipse' creates Eclipse project wich does not compile under Eclipse and reports these errors:
Project 'Scan' is missing required Java project: 'scalding-core'
More than one scala library found in the build path (/home/test/usr/eclipse-scala-3.0.3/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/290/1/.cp/lib/scala-library.jar, /home/test/wks/Cascading/Scala/scalding/target/scala-2.9.3/scalding-assembly-0.10.0.jar).At least one has an incompatible version. Please update the project build path so it contains only compatible scala libraries.
scalacheck_2.9.3-1.10.0.jar is cross-compiled with an incompatible version of Scala (2.9.3).
specs_2.9.3-1.6.9.jar is cross-compiled with an incompatible version of Scala (2.9.3).