
I am running my fat jar with command java -Djava.security.krb5.conf=/krb5.conf -jar my.jar.

How to run my app with this option via sbt?
$ sbt -Djava.security.krb5.conf="module\\src\\main\\resources\\krb5.conf" run doesn't work. Error:

ctl-scala>sbt -Djava.security.krb5.conf="ctl-core\src\main\resources\krb5.conf" ctl-ui-backend/run
Warning: invalid system property 'java.security.krb5.conf'
[info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\User\.sbt\0.13\plugins
[info] Loading project definition from C:\Users\User\IdeaProjects\ctl-scala\project
[info] Set current project to ctl (in build file:/C:/Users/User/IdeaProjects/ctl-scala/)
[error] No valid parser available.
[error] ctl-core\\src\\main\\resources\\krb5.conf
[error]             ^

Have you tried sbt "-Djava.security.krb5.conf=ctl-core/src/main/resources/krb5.conf" ...?laughedelic

4 Answers


Can you try sbt -J-Djava.security.krb5.conf="module/src/main/resources/krb5.conf" run

The -J causes the sbt launcher to pass those as options to the JVM.


As sbt manual it will pass JAVA_OPTS environment variable to the java and if you can not set the variable .jvmopts will hold the java commandline arguments. so if you are in bash :

export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/krb5.conf"

before sbt command will pass the argument to java runtime.


You can force sbt to fork a new JVM when running the application, and set the desired java options with the following settings in the build.sbt file:

fork := true,
javaOptions ++= Seq(

Simply run the run task and it should start the application in its own JVM with the required java options.


Another option, is to use .sbtopts file. It should be in the root folder, next to sbt.build. Its content should be the java options, prefixed with -J, as written in previously answers, to tell sbt to pass those options to the JVM. For example its content can be:
