I'm trying to specialize a function for a range of types using std::enable_if.
Here is a a simpler version of what I'm trying to accomplish.
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
struct Ip
template <typename T>
bool Equal(const std::string& s, const T& data)
{return s == data;}
template <typename T>
bool Equal(const std::string& s, const typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, T>::type& data)
//int specific
template <typename T>
bool Equal(const std::string& s, const typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, T>::type& data)
//Float specific
template <> bool Equal(const std::string& s, const Ip& data)
//Ip specific
int main()
//Equal("21",21); // Do not compile
Equal("21","42.5"); // Compile
but when trying to compile, the template functions with std::enable_if does not seem to participate in the resolution, and so the compiler tells me that there is no function that match my function call. I tried using std::enable_if
with the return type, but no luck there either. I'm sure there is something I'm doing terribly wrong in this code, or maybe I'm trying to do this the wrong way.
I'm trying to not write every int specialization (int, short, long, long long, ...), so does anyone have a solution for this ?
), but other case has other problem. – Jarod42